Phases of Care

All chiropractic care begins with an initial examination, after which X-rays may be recommended to determine the seriousness of your condition. In addition to being adjusted, you may be given at-home exercises to do, diet suggestions and ways to improve your posture.


1: Initial Intensive Care

First phase: Relief or Acute Care
The first phase of care is referred to as Relief or Acute Care. Many people go to a chiropractor because they are in pain. In this first phase of care, the main goal is to reduce your symptoms. Sometimes this will require daily visits, or two to three visits per week for a given time based on how your body is responding to care. This is designed to eliminate or reduce the majority of the discomfort and stabilize the condition in the shortest amount of time.

Lack of pain doesn’t mean all is well:
Most people are under the assumption that if they don’t feel any pain that there is nothing wrong with them – that they are healthy. Unfortunately, pain is a very poor indicator of health. In fact, pain and other symptoms frequently only appear after a disease or other condition has become advanced.

Pain usually comes late:
For example, consider a cavity in your tooth. Does it hurt when it first develops or only after it has become serious? How about heart disease? Regardless of whether you are talking about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stress or problems with the spine, pain is usually the last thing to appear. When you begin chiropractic care, pain is also the first symptom to disappear, even though much of the underlying condition remains.

2: Rehabilitative Care

The symptoms have eased:
Once you have completed Initial Intensive Care the option of undergoing Rehabilitative Care will be available to you. The elimination of symptoms is actually the simplest part of an individual’s care. If all that the chiropractor does is to reduce the pain and stop there, the chances of the condition recurring are much greater. To prevent a rapid recurrence of symptoms, it is necessary to continue receiving care even though your symptoms are gone.

Correct the underlying injury:
The objective of the second phase of your treatment program is to correct any underlying spinal injury as well as strengthening the muscles, improve spinal function and provide more complete or optimum healing of tissues and organ systems. Visits occur at reducing frequency and care is supplemented by exercises and modification of your daily and work habits. Remember, many of the conditions for which people seek chiropractic care have developed over many years and therefore, it takes time to correct these conditions.

Flare-ups can occur:
Do not be discouraged if you have mild flare-ups in your symptoms on occasion. This is normal. Flare-ups are bound to occur during this phase as your body adjusts to the changes taking place on its path towards full healing.

3: Maintenance / Wellness Care

The symptoms have eased:
Once you have completed Initial Intensive Care the option of undergoing Rehabilitative Care will be available to you. The elimination of symptoms is actually the simplest part of an individual’s care. If all that the chiropractor does is to reduce the pain and stop there, the chances of the condition recurring are much greater. To prevent a rapid recurrence of symptoms, it is necessary to continue receiving care even though your symptoms are gone.

Correct the underlying injury:
The objective of the second phase of your treatment program is to correct any underlying spinal injury as well as strengthening the muscles, improve spinal function and provide more complete or optimum healing of tissues and organ systems. Visits occur at reducing frequency and care is supplemented by exercises and modification of your daily and work habits. Remember, many of the conditions for which people seek chiropractic care have developed over many years and therefore, it takes time to correct these conditions.

Flare-ups can occur:
Do not be discouraged if you have mild flare-ups in your symptoms on occasion. This is normal. Flare-ups are bound to occur during this phase as your body adjusts to the changes taking place on its path towards full healing.

You’re in good hands. Schedule a session.

At Empower Family Chiropractic, you’re in good hands, literally. If you’ve never been adjusted before, Dr. J will reassure you that there’s nothing to feel uneasy about. Discover how great you can feel with gentle, low-force adjusting.

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~ Unknown

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