Auto Accidents & Trauma
Have you or a family member been involved in an auto accident?
Empower Family Chiropractic can help get you all feeling back to yourself. Doctors of chiropractic can see you right away. Even seemingly minor auto collisions can lead to painful long-term conditions when not treated properly. Empower Family Chiropractic believes proper diagnosis and a team approach is the way to quickly reduce pain and restore function.
Benefits of chiropractic after an auto accident
- Restore and preserve joint range of motion
- Prevent scar tissue formation
- Reduce the likelihood of long-term health complications, such as recurrent headaches
What is whiplash?
Whiplash is an injury that commonly occurs from riding in a car that is struck from behind or that collides with another object. When the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits, the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine and head can be overstretched or torn. The soft, pulpy discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear or rupture. Vertebrae can be forced out of their normal position, reducing range of motion. The spinal cord and nerve roots in the neck can get stretched and irritated. While the occupants can suffer considerable soft tissue injury, the car may be only slightly damaged. As the body attempts to adapt, symptoms may not appear for weeks or even months later.
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash
The chiropractic approach to these types of injuries is to use specific chiropractic adjustments to help return spinal function. After a thorough case history and examination, the doctor will recommend a series of visits to help restore proper motion and position of spinal bones. If caught early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimized.
After an automobile accident, it is important to monitor your symptoms and watch for warning signs that could indicate serious health complications. The resulting instability of the spine and soft tissues will most commonly result in pain in your neck and back.
Other whiplash symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Impaired memory or concentration
- Changes in vision
- Tingling in your extremities Numbness or weakness in your extremities
- Personality changes
- Difficulty swallowing or breathing
- Pupils that appear different in size

Was your child also in the car?
It is important to note that children often show symptoms differently. Symptoms to look
for in children include.
- Change in mood
- Change in appetite
- Change in sleep pattern – unable to fall asleep easily, waking frequently or increased sleep.
- Pulling of ears
- Hitting head with hands
- Complaining of neck or back pain
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